Gender Critical: Someone critical of gender not being a particular way, against trans people's rights.
Steve is GC, he was pissed off when his child went out of the closet as trans.
by nss_1830 October 1, 2022
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The abbreviation for "God Complex". Usually used to refer to someone who boast a lot about their own abilities and whatnots. Usually a show off.
-girl 1: "did you see him today at history class, who does he think he is?"
-girl 2: "he has a gc"
by mollyihe August 13, 2015
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Yo, let's smoke and eat my GCS'.

You have samoan flavor?

by lilprankster June 2, 2015
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abbreviation for "good charlotte" the most highest regarded poser band in america.
the suckiest most recent game console..
the gamecube..

in other words..
GC is two letters put togetther to create anything extremely horrible that decieves people and brainwashes them :o OMG!
1: D00D!! GC is the gothest band in da world111
2: wow! gamecube is so awesome! I'm gonna play pokemon all day! :o
by zrcalo of ems June 8, 2005
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Gift Certificate - Means to purchase a gift for someone in the manner of a card or a coupon etc which can be redeemed later for goods.
I bought my buddy a GC for his birthday so he could buy what he wanted!
by b0nd October 14, 2004
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Abbreviation for "General College". Typically the lowest of a university divisions, it can be applied on a broader sense to refer to anything that is lame, stupid, slow, ugly, or pretty much any other derogatory term.
"That chick is so GC."
"I GCed your mom last night."
"This game is so GC."
"That test was so GC your mom could have passed it."
"What a moron, he's probably GC."
by SyzYgY033 November 2, 2005
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Grade Conscious = Very curios about grade in the point of annoyance
*people who thinks that the earth revolves around his and other's grades (scores)
1.My classmate is very GC(grade conscious) that everyone thinks him a nerd.
2. My friend is always GC about his grade in Algebra.
by big_bro226 July 17, 2006
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