Courage; a term coined by WWE wrestler Mankind, from the term "balls" commonly used everywhere.
You don't have to testicular fortitude to hit me with that steel chair!
by Julio Christ June 11, 2006
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girlfriend: i want me some of your testicular milk tonight

boyfriend: ...

girlfriend: what?

boyfriend: who even says that?

girlfriend: well i learned it on urbandictionry, and thought i should use it in a sentence today.

boyfriend: (thinks: "why am i dating this girl? oh, b/c she's a freak in bed... forgot for a second.")
by Is There A Problem Officer? August 7, 2011
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1: When a man plutonicly loves and respects another male (commonly another friend) and is somewhat of that dominant male's lapdog his master can boss around.

2: When a man is infatuated with another man in a nonhomosexual way and is a synonym of "brotherly love".

3: When either male/female is attracted to or in love with a "manly" man and litteraly worships their testicles.

4: When a man loves another male's sex organs IN a homosexual way.

5: For a male to accuratley measure another man's "Coochie" by just seeing it
Jack: Yo homie jack that fools wallet!

Bill: No way brothah i got me some mean testicular worship for that foo.

Jack: Yo son, you like a brother to me

Bill: diddo foo

Jack: Let's compare penis length in a nonhomosexual manner.

Bill: Alright but let's use a measuring tape intead of our testicular worship skills



Jack: this is some REAL testicular worship


Jack: I am so tottaly in love with your balls bro

Bill: Ugh i'm not in the mood for your testicular worship.


Jack: can you testicularly worship me?

Bill: It looks like a good 5 inches, it would look better in my mouth.
by RAYLOVESYOU19 September 7, 2010
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If a man decides to not jack off for a very long time, an abundance of semen will collect inside the testicles. Once the semen level reaches a certain point, the testicles will combust.
Kid 1 - Yo man you been jackin it?

Kid 2 - Nah dude I stopped doing that shit

Kid 1 - Watch out for testicular combustion!
by ajay69 June 29, 2011
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Suffocating someone to the point of death by means of your own nutsack.
God dammit Brian I’m gonna kill you by testicular asphyxiation. You’re gonna be breathing my nutsack in like a damn grocery bag over your head.
by aphillyp June 22, 2021
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The vinegary/oily concoction that usually is on the testicular sacks of larger men who have failed to shower for the past few days.
Man Frank, you gotta take a shower, your home-made testicular vinaigrette is rather pungent this evening!
by schvety_balls March 7, 2012
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An unofficial medical term referring to the urge to continually fondle ones testicles. This is generally done through a piece of clothing such as boxers. This disorder is relatively uncommon and usually affects only young and immature males.
Greg - "Dr i have a problem, i can't seem to stop fondling my testicles."
Dr - "Greg you appear to have Testicular Fondalitis."
by Sand Ninja C February 10, 2008
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