3 definitions by schvety_balls

A cocktail comprising of approximately one bottle of wine and two Xanax.
Kevin's Mom was a nervous wreck until she fixed herself the soccer mom.
by schvety_balls December 28, 2016
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When you're drinking milk with hard alcohol (which is weird except if it's a White Russian).
I downed a shot of whiskey and then used a milk chaser, thus forming a block of cheddar cheese in my stomach.
by schvety_balls April 18, 2011
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The vinegary/oily concoction that usually is on the testicular sacks of larger men who have failed to shower for the past few days.
Man Frank, you gotta take a shower, your home-made testicular vinaigrette is rather pungent this evening!
by schvety_balls March 7, 2012
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