Paula's been in the gym for ages, she must have a right swinge.
by Swingemaster June 5, 2009
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When one has done to much cocaine and ones jaw is swinging mad
John “Ay bill that Charlie’s boss lad me jaws proper swinging
Bill “yeno tha brother”
by MilzyX 96 September 19, 2019
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to have sex with
yeah jodi said she'd swing with me, then she said she'd meet me at the
by GFunk68 December 5, 2002
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To move or pass.

Setting: Two people sharing soup.
One says to the other "yo, swing that soup".
by Sarah Caye January 30, 2008
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While receiving a blow job, just before the point of ejaculation, quickly pull your penis out of her mouth, and swing your body so that your penis hits her like a baseball bat, as you ejaculate. If you knock her over, it is considered a double. If you knock her unconscious, it is a home run.

Variation: Oral Piñata
I'm going to swing batter, swing that bitch tonight.

Are you gonna go for a home run?

Oh hell yes.
by JR DB December 16, 2009
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We have this deal where for every ten degradations he sings me one song of either obsession or adoration.
"how do you do it?"
"I don't know. I guess we just swing."
by Krkič July 13, 2020
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People who have neither partisan nor ideological conviction at any detectible level. Most often found in the suburbs, these voters are often swayed by emotional appeals rather than philosophical, moral, or logical arguments. As such, these voters are emotionally torn pulled the two parties – they want to vote Republican as they live what they believe to be the capitalist dream of a comfortable, two-income, and sterile life in the ‘burbs (with the perception of being inoculated from those sticky urban social issues), at the same time they want to vote Democrat to assuage their guilt of their own mindless and unconscious lifestyle (such as talking racial tolerance but living in a racially homogeneous community, expressing horror at things like outsourcing jobs while drawing a paycheck from a company that does it every day, driving gas-guzzling SUVs while claiming their concern for the environment, and outwardly claiming support for their neighborhood public school systems while sending their own kids to private school). Often claiming to be independent, they criticize partisans on both sides for being closed-minded while believing there is nobility in their own indecision.
More and more people are swing voters and we wonder why no one votes (hint: if you don’t have the stones to decide where you stand, then either candidate, or even a non-vote, will do)
by workinglate May 5, 2005
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