To ejaculate into a toilet
If he's not giving birth to a bum-baby in there then it's a case of "smacker in the crapper".
by Jebadiah June 19, 2004
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When you wipe your ass with your forearm and let the shit dry until it hardens like tree bark, then smack someone in the face with it.
by John Que November 8, 2007
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Several meanings. Most commonly refered to as one who is doing stupid things, as in a person who is so out of it, they are trying to smack crack into their skin directly. Also, can be used as a term of endearment, or torment depending on the person.
don't taunt the bull with that red cape, you crack smacker.
that was so sweet of you to buy me those flowers you are such a crack smacker
by val July 27, 2004
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Gravy Smacker. A black person with large, gravy smackin lips. A black person known to eat greasy food (such as fried chicken) and talk with his mouth full, thus spraying grease droplets and crumbs all over other people within range.
Miriam- "Look at all these fucking gravy smackers! Let's go somewhere else to eat."

Webster- "Yeah, you're right. I should have known KFC would be full of gravy smackers. Let's bounce!"
by Miriam6 April 24, 2009
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A successful taint smacker is one who smacks a girls taint with his ball-sack so hard during intercourse it causes her taint to bleed out leading to an infection which causes swelling and build up, creating a taint monster. Be careful because taint monsters are notorious for also being taint smackers by smacking taints during sex in order to reproduce more taint monsters.
Linda- "Damnit Johnny, you know how i know that you are a dirty taint smacker."

Johnny- "No, Linda how."

Linda- "Because I woke up this morning with a little taint monster."
by yahlay-illy August 2, 2010
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The act of swishing hot coffee around in your mouth and proceeding to give oral.
I used to make money giving strangers Boston smackers.
by Lil chump March 17, 2021
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A sex position where the girl lays on your thighs and lights the wick of a candle. You smack the wick out with your dick.
by Urban_kang September 4, 2016
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