Giving a "rim job" at the height 10 000 feet or more. Usually preformed on a commercial airliner toilette
"Hey you! stop being such a guard dog, and come give me a skyrim!"

Really nice flying with you Thomas! Do you want a Skyrim?
by Skyrimmer December 15, 2011
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Role playing game by Bethesda for the 7th generation of consoles and PC. Fifth installment in the Elder Scrolls series.

One of the most overrated games of all time, the game features little excitement as long tedious walks are interrupted by one of the most awful combat mechanics ever seen in a video game. These are trends also seen in other Bethesda games, although which usually have a more interesting setting (see Fallout or Morrowind for example). Skyrim is bland and one-dimensional, having a selling point of a large world, albeit uninteresting, ugly to look at and mostly empty stretches of land anyway.

As typical as a fantasy RPG can get, expect loads of skeletons, dragons, mages, dungeons (how many times have we seen this before?).

The game offers no innovation and brings nothing new to the already crowded table of fantasy role playing games, a space already infested with other Bethesda titles.

Buggy and messy, the game has a huge following on PC because of the modding community, further proof that it was the fanbase that fixed most of the problems of the game, and Bethesda still gets all your money.

Absolutely disgusting piece of software.
Person 1 : "Skyrim sucks"

Person 2: "Play it on PC with mods, you idiot"

Person 1: "A good game should be able to stand alone. Mods from the community should be a bonus. When will people realize that Bethesda is making loads of money from having modders fix their s****y games for free?"
by deadbunny97 September 7, 2016
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A sexual position where you get a rimjob or analigus, while dangling from one's genitals. Once ejaculation has been met, the genitals are then removed and the partner falls to their death.
Girl 1 - "I heard you gave John a Skyrim."
Girl 2 - "Yeah he had me do it to him off of the 10th floor."
by MrCata November 14, 2011
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A place in Tamriel that is like a medieval Russia
I now wanna go to Russia and kill giant spiders and talk to cat men because it is like Skyrim
by Dovahkiin1144 June 22, 2018
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A game made by Bethesda Shitworks in 2011.

It's about a Swedish nigga who runs around killing dragons
"Damn I was-a playing Skyrim last-a night-a and I found-a one hundred dragon souls"
by poopookid November 2, 2014
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A rimjob given while hanging from the ceiling or other way of suspending one's self in the air. Considered a game to some people.
I asked Ted if he got to try skyrim yet. But he said his hardware wasn't up to it, and he got a face full of poop.
by Bip Bip Daniels December 12, 2010
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*Pigeon flies up arse*
-1,000 feet in the air-
"ARGH! I'm so fucked! But yet this Skyrim is seemingly pleasurable"
by VIGiraffe November 8, 2011
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