The the odor of female genitals resembling that of a skunk.
ME: "whats that smell?"

YOU: "its that skunt over there"
by corvegas December 13, 2010
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A skunt is a skank and a cunt. So instead of saying each word after the other I just combined the two, to create a mega bad word.
Dude, she/he is such a skunt.

hey, skunt back off!
by Capt. Twinks June 8, 2009
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A bitch with a cunt that smells like a skunk
I'd hit that bitch", Friend: "Dude! she's a skunt
by Kid Viper July 6, 2010
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Sk-uhh-nt; "Skunt" is a combination of the words "Skank" and "Cunt", both of which broadly describe the female population. "Skunt" refers to a woman, girl, or small female infant who projects the characteristics of a wild raccoon on a rampage; insane disorientation, whorish tendencies, vegetarian, snide bitch comments, and women who do not masturbate
Jeremy - "Man, let's go get some lunch with a woman, girl, or small female infant"

John - "No, they are all skunts"
by Sippnoninsulin April 7, 2010
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A person who extreamly slutty and bitchy: a mix of a skank and a cunt.
by mkh325 February 25, 2009
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a female individual who represents a hybrid of a skank and a cunt.
"Hey skunt! Get on the bar!"

"Amy is such a skunt; that whore slept with everyone in Providence"

"Skunty bitch"
by SxySunnyBlonde August 11, 2009
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A Cross-bred Between skank and cunt
God:oh my shes a skunt for sure
Satan: Sho nuff bra
by Jesus Yo Call fo blackup September 16, 2003
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