1. A slang name for Genesee Cream Ale with it's origins in Western New York.

2. The resulting painful diarrhea, and intestinal gas buildup hot enough to cut steel that sometimes results from drinking Genesee Cream Ale.
"I shouldn't have drank all of those last night. I woke up at 4AM with a serious case of the Genny Screamers..."
by OsirisAscending January 13, 2012
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Urban the screamer is an AI generated video game that jankylankyTV has to try and buy with the help of an AI from GameStop
I was looking to buy the video game over Urban the screamer
by Lil' Sweet October 15, 2021
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A website link that if opened, an extremely scary image will appear along with a bloodcurdling scream, and the picture will often flash, and it will continue unless the scared person closes the tab. Often used for pranks and jokes by many people.
My friend once linked me something, and me not knowing it was a screamer link, I freaked the fuck out.
by GunnyMan4 September 5, 2016
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Hideous units of flatulence prevalent after drinking Genesee beer.
A good policy if one is suffering from the "genny screamers" is to simply avoid the public altogether.
by franc63 September 7, 2010
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when someone suddenly screams at a computer shop facing the monitor of a computer for like 1 inch apart from his/her face yelling some bad words for some reasons like losing a game or something.
patrick: shit ! mother fucker !

audrey: come on patrick, don't be a monitor screamer, everyone can hear you from outside, its just a game you know.
by bobong magnanakaw January 31, 2010
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Noun. In climbing, a free-fall (usually >50 feet) lasting long enough for you to empty your lungs and refill them for a second scream.
Did you hear about Scott's ride yesterday? He took a screamer on El Cap.
by jrw April 29, 2005
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Prior to engaging to copulation, suggest to your prospective partner that she knots her hair using two crossed chopsticks. Upon entry into the vaginal canal from the rear (doggie style), and just before the moment of climax, the man removes the penis from the vagina, and inserts into the anus, uninvited, whilst taking control of the the chopsticks. At the moment climax, the man grips the chopsticks, and buries them into the scalp of the female recipient, thus leading to a blood-curling scream. (and perhaps blood from the anus, who knows?) After this EXTREME moment, reach into your dresser drawer and pull out a fortune cookie, and proceed to read the fortune to her.
Roommate 1: "Bro, I just heard some girl give out the loudest scream from your room. Is everything okay?"

Giver of the Shanghai Screamer: "Yea. That bitch be dead. I just gave her a Shanghai Screamer. Peace out, beezy."
by A.M. 378... December 2, 2010
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