the highest form of wit in most countries like the uk, but regarded as lowest in america as americans have trouble under standing when your are being sarcastic or not. the art of stating a sentance but meaning the exact opposite.
unsuspecting american: hey i see you got shot down there. how you doing?

british guy: oh great, fucking GREAT! IFLML!

unsuspecting american: oh ok see u l8r *walks off*

British guy: DAMN IT! SARCASM!
by the_random_user1 June 7, 2009
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Half of the entries on Urban Dictionary.
*Looking up sex on Urban Dictionary*: Who is stupid enough to look up sex in the Urban Dictionary?

*Looking up Mormon in the Urban Dictionary*:95% of the people in Utah.

These are all sarcasm.
by funnyman21224 July 8, 2011
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Gift for intelligent, ability to compose messages which questions another’s intellect.

Also known as a sixth sense as one’s ability to detect the offence and threat of one’s self or another’s during sight or hearing of sarcasm.
2 males in a school canteen queuing.

Wang:so are you going 2 buy somting?
Peter: no i just like standing in line with a wang
by LINX August 28, 2004
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Man: I just wanted to tell you so much that I really like you.
Woman: Awwww that's so sweet of you, I like you too.

Trust me people, that's devilish woman is really into sarcasm nowadays.
by MrTallyMon December 27, 2011
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This phrase is followed by the closing tag: /sarcasm off It is a mesh of l33t speak and blog jargon. The condensed form for this method of expressing yourself is demonstrated in the second example sentence without an 'sarc off tag'. To those who are too square or bartarded to dig your jive or more often taking everthing literally: This phrase/tag and it's dynamics can be used in verbal conversations, as well as mental dialogue and even blogs/chat, when deemed appropriate by you! ...for those who can't advance to reading through the text and only comprehend classic indicating verbal tones. Sarc is less prefered because it can confuse others with Sarkar, or because it rhymes with narc.
"sarcasm on Oh Mr. <insert fool of your dis-liking here> in DC has a wonderful heart and loves to tell us the truth. /Sarcasm off"

"We MUST absolutely follow these guidelines and internationally standardize this format other than just finishing up the statement saying /sarcasm on or /sarc on"
by Phungguy August 21, 2006
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A mental disorder caused by excessive use of sarcasm.Person affected will use sarcasm almost uncontrollably,even when it's unnecessary or in an emergency situation
*A Person with sarcasmitis(APWS) got hit by a car*
kontoculai; "hey,are you okay?"
APWS: "Yeah,I'm totally okay.See,I'm lying here because I want to have a great sun tan"
kontoculai: "Oh,Ok,bye then"
APWS: "Wait,help me!I got sarcasmitis.."
by kontoculai July 11, 2019
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1. The body's natural defense against stupid. Often used to belittle and/or amuse someone; incredibly humorous if used correctly.

2. The only language I speak.

Synonyms include: mockery, disdain, cynicism, scorn
Is your quad stuck in the mud?

No, no, of course not. I'm only practicing how to spray mud using my tires. Jackass.

Nice use of sarcasm, Rudy.
by Criscipline September 22, 2010
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