People who lived in or built civilizations out of metal or with metal skeletons.They also cut down trees and/or forests to make way for more buildings. They overproduce and polute the air we breathe. (Mainly us.)Rustys are concidered not very smart or very aware that what they do is distroy their world they live in and the world that generations to come will have to live it. They are ignorant and selfish. They are wasteful.
"Remember what I'm telling you. This is for your own good. You don't want to end up like those Rustys who almost destroyed the earth with their polution and tree cutting. "
by Miss Becca December 7, 2006
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a bitch ass faggot who thinks he's crazy but ain't and talks a lot of shit behind peoples backs
by Monkey January 31, 2004
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an ugly white girl who has horrible hair and make up
I'm tired of them preppy rusty girls, someone please give them a make over, she looks like a horse!!
by Eanie September 19, 2003
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Shit. Ugly & Stinky

Also worst towing company in Columbus.
Holy rusty!
I need to take a rusty!
Better wipe twice don’t want rusty on your fingers.
by Woarusty November 28, 2018
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"I was so wasted last night. I should not have had that last Rusty."
by Kyle "Captain Wasted" August 18, 2008
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I ain't taking my board down that rusty slope. It's gonna chew up my base.
by JayRecks December 21, 2008
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A person who cant get off during sex.
by David Sosa September 24, 2007
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