The act of taking Nyquil to become groggy and giving yourself the stranger by sitting on your hand with intent on jerking off.
In this method your drugged up and have no idea whose touching your penis.
I took Nyqil for my cough and gave myself the stranger.. then i woke up to a loud noise to find my dick in my hand i had no idea whoes it was! i made the date rape method!
by Jariinsaurus August 5, 2010
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Alcohol. Long before any of the hypnotics and exotics were used to incapacitate an unsuspecting woman, men used to ply women with booze until they were so drunk, they didn't realize the trap they had fallen into.
Girl #1: I woke up and didn't even know where I was, whose bed I was in or what happened, but I knew I had to get out of there

Girl #2: Are you sure the guy didn't slip you a date rape drug?

Girl #1: No we were just doing shots, drinking beer with everyone, I know I got really, really drunk, stumbling drunk, I think I left with him, but that's all I remember

Girl #2: Yeah he made sure you had too much to drink, it's called The Original Date Rape Drug. That type of guy is just a more patient predator, the end result is still the same

Girl #1: Never again am I going to let that happen....
by January 17, 2010
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n. 21th century. Slut. A female that brags about sex non stop to gain attention.
GUY 1: what do you think of Kim?
GUY 2: Oh, you mean Little miss date rape? She never shuts up about her herpes!
by Thomas Meadow August 29, 2006
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A mother fucken pie (may involve other shady baked goods) in which a girl will try and serve you cause she likes you. She's trying to get your attention and wants you to like her, but you're wierded out by this. You're affraid if you eat it you may end up in her truck or bedroom, bound and naked not remembering wtf happend for the past 36 hours...
NO BEEYOCH! I don't want any of your date rape pie so suck it! I mean dont suck it! And stop looking at me like that!

Baked Assault
by Daveeden December 21, 2010
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when you give someone half a roofie because they're a midget
Look how hot that nugget is, I'm going to mini-date rape it!
by midgetlover6969 May 16, 2016
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This level of lowlife predator/cheapskate can be found in the $ “happy hour” halls of establishments such as Apple’s etc.

Just waiting with a shitty spiked cocktail like a bomb... ready to blot out the future happiness out of their next naïve victim....

The slang application of this term is “Alvined”
Alvin isn’t your typical creep. He is like Applebees Date Rape Creepy!”

“Did you hear about the last receptionist? Yeah, she quit too! She kept saying she got ‘Alvined’
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This occurs when someone leaves just enough coffee in the pot to make it look like there's some left, but in reality it is less than a full cup, and doesn't start a new pot of coffee to make up for this transgression.
Dude 1: Dude....what the F?!?!?
Dude 2: What dude?
Dude 1: Did you just totally date rape the coffee pot?


Dude: F'ing co-workers! Always date raping the coffee pot before I get in the office!
by Not Steve yo! October 11, 2010
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