The noise half cats (a cat with no head half, just a butt, hind legs, and tail) make when blowing their whistles with the only hole they have.
"Lim, will you stop pooting?! I need some thinking time."

"Pooootttt poot poooooooooooooooooooot poot!"

"I mean it Lim."
by MasterOfBation[TeeHee] April 24, 2010
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a name for a goofy friend who falls a lot.
Nooph is Bon Jon's poot.
by Bon Jon March 23, 2005
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Poot = Poop + Toot. The equivalent of a shart but for anyone under age 2.
I thought you just had a toot but looked and it was really a poot.
by NickPDX September 17, 2014
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An unidentified substance excreted from the female genetalia after an orgasm. Usually brown in color and blamed on other people. Other forms of the word include poots, pooted, pootage, pooty poots, and pootles.
Person 1: "That was a great orgasm!"
Person 2: "What is that brown poot coming out of you?"
Person 1: "I don't know, it must be from you!"
Person 2: "I think you definitely had some pootage on that."
by D's Hoes March 26, 2008
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Why buy Confident by Demi Lovato when you can support her twin sister, Poot Lovato, instead? Buy Unsure on iTunes!
by frickfrackpattywhack October 29, 2015
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1.) A nonsensical place holder, commonly used in math.

2.) Often used to describe when a situation doesn't work, or if something means nothing.

3.) Also, it can be used as an expletive.
1.) Is it a Z-score, T-score, or poot?

2.) It means poot.

by Autumn Ai April 29, 2009
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To poop and toot at the same time. Same as shart only for little ears.
-Daddy I tooted and have poop in my butt.

-Son, thats called a poot.
by jt1jacobs September 5, 2010
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