v 1. to appear as if on drugs, even though one is sober.
"Wow that Mark Fry kid is perma-fried."
by MF September 6, 2002
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1.) constant frontal wedging amongst unattractive muffins.

2.) skank-arific spooge.
did you see that Perma-cam on that hooch. total spooge.
by Captain Seahorse May 15, 2009
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To borrow something from someone when you clearly have no intention of returning it or you intend to wait and see if they ever ask for it back.
I perma-borrowed my neighbor's lawn mower 14 months ago and he still hasn't asked for it back.
by College Professor March 23, 2008
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The remnants of a usually-massive dump left on the bottom of the bowl. May also be used as a verb.
If he perma-logs in my bowl one more time, I'm going to deuce on his bed.
by TW Chissmoose April 1, 2004
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A pimple that won't go away (i.e. permanent zit).
Johnny: "Dude, you still have that bump on your forehead. Better go get it checked out. You may be turning into a unicorn"

Tommy: "Naw man.. It's a Perma-zit"
by Micro penis January 5, 2011
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A girl who will never be better looking that ugly, no matter how much plastic surgery she pays for.
Ewwww! How can he date that perma-ug?!
by frenchified August 6, 2005
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To shun another person to such an extent, un-shunning, and, in turn, re-shunning, become completely impossible.
Yeah, Trisha perma-shunned her suitemate. It was pretty brutal. Now she doesn't get any pie.
by Tubaballoon February 26, 2011
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