An attitude displayed by one who structs around the office and enforces their new found power from a promotion in an unprofessional way.
Say Sue did you notice that every since Tina got her promotion she's been an absolute tyrant to everyone in the office? --I know, she's suffering with peacockism and there is no cure for it at the moment.
by marcielou May 24, 2011
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A girl that looks awesome from the back, but busted from the front. Not to be confused with a butter or butterface (but-her-face) who has a hot body and a busted face. A peacock will have a jlo booty and tiny waist, but lopsided titties and a face that resembles what you saw in the toilet after you last all night drinking binge bacon dog cart adventure.
I was behind this chick at the market, her ass was out of control, but when she turned around she had a tummy like a pot bellied pig, total peacock!
by Ryan KK September 20, 2007
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To abruptly backhand slap the person to your left.
Marissa peacocked Nikki in the car.

Tell that bitch I'm gonna fucking peacock him.
by Marissa Schachman February 20, 2008
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the art of eating out a vagina doggystyle, while assaulting her asshole with your nose.
Hey everybody look, Pock is peacocking the shit out of that smut!
by Vin Patrick June 8, 2011
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The ultimate gang bang sex move involving six dicks and one vagina. It is categorized as a TVTA (triple vag, triple anal)where three dicks are put in the vagina and three dicks are put in the ass. The result is a fan of dicks that would resemble the fan on the tail of a peacock.
I've never seen The Peacock, only in my mind. However, I picture the character Matt Stone played in Orgazmo yelling "Time for the peacock! Dude, we're gonna put three dicks in her vag and three dicks in ass!"
by Ben Shizzle October 16, 2007
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The act of writing on someones facebook wall to make either yourself or your friend seem more fun/cool/witty/popular. It is often done with the intention of someone in particular reading it.
Q: Why did Sarah write that on Janes facebook wall rather than just text her?
A: She was obviously peacocking

Jane: I really want Max to think that I am moving on!
Sarah: Don't worry, I will peacock you later about last night
by peacock12345 January 7, 2012
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When a man is establishing dominance
Hermes is dominating the defensive glass right now
Yeah man, he’s peacocking
by Joslin st February 20, 2021
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