A high school in Cypress, California, that boasts scores within the state's top five schools. As a magnet school, it has a hell of a lot of Asians, and some would say Oxford's lucky to have only the one "r" in its name. Its student body is politically moderate in social matters and right-leaning in economic ones, though extremists exist on both sides.
"Oy, this homework load is back-breaking! What does the teacher think we are, Oxford Academy students?"
by Student SL August 22, 2006
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1. a school in the middle of nowhere (Oxford, GA) that no body knows of, wheres theres nothing to do except drink yourself stupid and go hang out in the woods neard the confederate graveyard
2. the backdoor into emory
3. a place that when your friends ask you where you go to school, you just say emory to save urself the trouble of explaining what oxford is
4. a school so small that you know every who goes there, has gone there, and will eventually go there
by Cris Dizon July 18, 2006
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The act of smearing duck pate and caviar on someone's gooch to devour.
I gave my best friend John a right good oxford cracker.
by Dex the neeg June 26, 2021
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'Oxford Gay' is a gay label/clique, similar to that of bears, cubs and twinks.

An Oxford Gay is a gay man who exhibits the following characteristics:

1. A guy who is neat, educated and well traveled;
2. A modern man who encapsulates the yesteryear british gentleman.
Marc: Hey Richard, we all know you're a muscle bear - what do you think I am?
Richard: You're charming, neat and smart so an Oxford Gay I would think.
by OxfordBoy101 August 20, 2013
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A bizarre concept of time particular to students of Oxford University in which all things begin five minutes after and end five minutes before they are scheduled to. At Oxford, 10 minutes of every hour vanish into a bizarre time warp making Oxford students completely incompatible with normal people and their less sophisticated 60 minute hours.
Normal person: I see your class runs from 10-11.
Oxford student: Yes, but in Oxford time that is 10:05-10:55.
Normal person: You're insane.
by oxfordstudent February 1, 2010
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A city in Michigan of primarily white people, if they see someone other than white, they start mean muggin!!!
Oxford, MI is a small white town
by The Sexi-Mexi February 1, 2011
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