
What you see when you're too fat for those home weight scales
Wow! Instant OL!!
Damn, we need a fat man scale.
by soysauce2rice May 9, 2008
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Danish computer genius. Likes playing Raffi on his acoustic guitar. Dislikes cookies - likes cake. Wandering vigilante: tracks down french(intentionally lowercase)child-porn fags. Also likes boobs.
Rick: Hello Ole
Ole (smacks forehead): Hello Rick...
by turdgobbler May 27, 2003
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People usually think he is ugly but he is pretty. He will always be with you
He is acting like oles
by Freddy3947 April 12, 2019
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Ole is a blonde guy with blue eyes. He's a fuckin asshole. He thinks that every girl that likes him are stalkers. He's a heartbreaker and if u like him he would block you in all the social media
Person 1: Hey Ole!

Ole: OMFG Stop stalking me!
by Nicswife December 31, 2018
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Meaning things/the speaker are/is the same as usual.

Guy 1: How are you?
Guy 2: Same ol' same ol'...
by - JDcrafter July 4, 2014
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Trixie told her client that he looked very oled.
by Anissa August 5, 2004
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Name commonly in reference to a large bass caught while fishing. Often the best catch of the day
I heard if you go to the lake around 6 in the morning you can catch 'Ole Bertha, the 8 pound bass. Make sure to use a top water lure
by puh_trish_uh_sir_bow September 14, 2017
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