props, as in proping something up in support, raising up, lifting, putting someone on a pedestal
"props my friend"
"give props to my ladies who ain't down with the clap"
by puffy pussy October 5, 2006
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Property rights, as in respect to extreme of offering one's property rights to another in recognition for their achievement
I give you all my property (or "props") for that, man. (Or woman, if the circumstances permit)
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Variables that are set on a MUCK charcter that identify all of its properties. Short for Properties.
I had to set a verification prop on myself to get into the Foo bar.
by Spirit Bear October 28, 2004
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Don't prop on my hoes chest. Prop on her cock.
by HunnyBear February 27, 2003
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to give acknowledgement to someone's abilities and/or talent
I have to give your props for what you have accomplished.
by Gerard Irick March 14, 2011
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A douche MD that utilizes props to teach basic physiological processes to an audience of simpletons.
Some TV show had people up on stage crawling through a large colon playing with chocolate feces. What the hell was that?
Oh, that's Dr. Oz, the famous prop-doctor. His audience is always full of dolts. If he didn't use props, those dumb bitches wouldn't get it.
by sciflyer.25 October 20, 2013
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Cool guy 1: Hey man, did I leave my weed in your car? Tryna Prop 64 though.

Cool guy 2: Nah fam you trippin', you probably dropped it by the lake when we went fishing.

Cool guy 1: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.
by Pishposhh November 16, 2016
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