Telling someone to celebrate when revealing good news such as a new job, a new baby, etc.
Come on here, dear boy, have a cigar. You gonna go far and fly high
by JB920 January 1, 2022
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(n.) A large, cigar-shaped joint. Named for the fact that marijuana is a large Mexican export.
Man 1: Would you care for a Cuban cigar?
Man 2: I'll stick with my Mexican cigar, thanks.
by El_Señor September 6, 2010
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Turd formed when arse cheeks are so tight as to elongate it to resemble a cigar
by Anonymous May 5, 2003
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A safe for work term used when referring to your penis!
Hey guess what..I gave my wife that cuban cigar she was asking for yesterday! And she didn't wanna take it outta her mouth!

Or * man pat you look happy today?
Pat: yeah man gave my wife took her cuban cigar this morning and thorough enjoyed it*
by Hom2436 January 23, 2018
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another name given to a man's schlong.
damn, that biatch knows how to smoke a pink cigar!!!
by darryl e January 29, 2004
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When you fuck a girl in the ass without a condom, and right before you come you stick it in her mouth.
Damn, I gave Janine a Swedish cigar to smoke last night.
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Expression used when someone got so close to accomplish something... but didn't really accomplish it.

Let's say you think of a number from 1 to 100 and ask someone to guess that number... You thought of 83 but the other person says 84... And then you say "Close, but no cigar".

This expression comes from a Golf tradition... If you're playing golf with your friends and instead of working the ball into the hole with a few drives you make it in a single play... you're friends are supposed to buy you a cigar after the game...
- Guess who I took for dinner last night?
+ My sister?
- Close, but no cigar.
+ Who then?
- Your Mama.
by birk123 June 7, 2007
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