4 definitions by JB920

Roger Miller song with a quick, slurring, and possibly drunk way of saying, "do like I do"
I wish I was doing well, and you had to do-wacka-do
by JB920 February 16, 2022
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A cat more evil than other cats. Combination of katze (German for cat) and Nazi
My cat tried to suffocate while I slept. He may be a katzi.
by JB920 December 31, 2022
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A 1975 Tom T Hall song in which an elderly cowboy tells him the 4 secrets to a better life
Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money
by JB920 December 31, 2022
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Telling someone to celebrate when revealing good news such as a new job, a new baby, etc.
Come on here, dear boy, have a cigar. You gonna go far and fly high
by JB920 January 1, 2022
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