One of two things received by someone giving your mom a dime. We won't mention the other.
Then she gave me a nickelback.
by mofong0 March 14, 2010
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A mediocre, and undeservedly popular "post-grunge" band from Alberta. Their dull, uninteresting, dull-as-dishwater, profanity-free music can be heard on pretty much every single radio station in the country, and is the kind of the music I like to call "Soccer Mom Rock." Like I've said before, their songs are boring, lifeless, and all sound incredibly similar to each other(listen to their dreadfully boring "hit" How You Remind Me and the equally dull Someday together and you'll know what I mean), and the Jesus-resembling singer, Chad Kroeger, has an annoying singing voice, and tries too hard to capture the powerful, growling vocals of Eddie Vedder. Listen to Pearl Jam or Soundgarden instead.
Me: Which of these bands do you like better: Pearl Jam, or Nickelback?
Dumbass: Nickelback.
Me: Wow, you seriously need to get a better taste in music, asshole.
by Death Shredder August 14, 2007
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Normally a homosexual act of leaving a small deposit of semen mixed with faeces left on the other males back after anal penetration. Generally similar in size & colour to a nickel.
I gave him (or my lover) a Nickelback.
by MarkyGeeGeee June 12, 2009
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A band so bad you can't even laugh at it.
With a frontman so terrible that one would pay to go to their show just to egg him.

Did nickelback write that song"rockstar" seriously?
Or was that some kind of sick joke?
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Friend A- "Hey man, I just bought Nickelback's new CD!"

Friend B- "WOW. Your a douche."
by sideburnsofdeath June 13, 2009
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When you fuck a girl on a table and change sticks to her naked back and then she walks around with change all over her back.
"Dude, check out the nickelback on that chick I just banged!"

Oderus Urungus of Gwar likes to have a lot of coins in his dressing room so that the groupies he bangs end up with nickelbacks.
by Oderus Urungus of Gwar August 16, 2009
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The act of willfully allowing your ears to be penetrated by a hairy dick. Loved by few hated by most.
Person a: nickelback hurt last night
Person b: personally I enjoy it
Person a: you gross shit
by righteousconsumption October 15, 2014
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