Somebody who is unusually tall but has a very small penis.
That guy that bought me that prankster drink is such a Nelson
by thedeviledegg October 4, 2006
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N. An extremely filthy statement that is very bigoted, arrogant, and usually religious (normally Christian) in nature. Nelsonisms are rare unless coined or stated by their usual source, Nelson Quan, who is of course, very, very filthy.
"I don't think all those Muslim wars would have happened if the Muslims had the Christian God... I mean, you don't see Christians going around starting wars."

Person 1: "It's important not to look at history in terms of good guys and bad guys."
Nelson: "I think that's stupid. Because obviously the Christians are the good guys and everyone else is a bad guy."

Person 1: "Zoroastrianism and Animism played a role in the development of Christianity."
Nelson: "No, no... you don't understand... Chrisianity influenced the development of Zoroastrianism and Animism."
Person 1: "WTF. How is that possible? Zoroastrianism and Animism were developed thousands of years before Christianity."
Nelson: "Well you see, the power of Jesus and the Bible is so great it transcends time and reason."
by Ross December 28, 2005
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When a guy takes a fondling glove, jacks his partner off, and then uses the cum as lube and fists either the partner's ass, with the glove still on.
Shoot girl did you see Arne on the street yesterday? Looks like someone got Nelsoned!
by Robert Bradford December 22, 2010
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a Guy with the last name Nelson usually has multiple holes in his little Guy downstairs, shits his pants and quotes anchorman during sex. it is not past a Nelson to eat Twinkies at 4am or hide their double chins with facial hair. Most Nelson's appear to be normal but use their relatives "inventions" to try to play it cool.
man 1:"dude I farted and I shit my pants can you take me home to change"
man 2:"ahh man your nasty you should be a Nelson!"

man 1:"dude I got mad air snowboarding last week"
man 2:"oh yeah well my uncles father's cousin invented snowboarding"
man 1:"shut the **** up quit being a Nelson"
by Mrs.J P December 29, 2010
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Noun. Describes a piece of feces partially protruding out of a dog's anus but not fully ejected; caused by the involuntary sphincter contraction during sudden fear, surprise, or sheer terror; the noun can be modified to describe how far out the feces made it, i.e.: quarter nelson, half nelson, full nelson.
Wow, did you see the green half nelson on that poor doggie when that bear jumped out of the bushes?
by messner August 12, 2018
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Child Molester, Who Plays Video Games to Much and tries to rape little girls he plays video games
"Man I was talking to that older guy when I found out later he was a Nelson"
by Pure Truth February 9, 2009
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An ugly mess that plays WOW
Nelson plays WOW
by nelsonator!!! November 8, 2010
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