Funny, awesomeatron, cool, gorgeous, way talented, cat lover, hip, jiving, racist badger loving, Old Gregg imitating, uber nerd, lovable geek and so totally kissable.
He's so nate!
by natesoneandonly February 3, 2010
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Tim said "oh darn I nated myself again and it was salty" I hate nating myself
by Ron ron November 9, 2014
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Girl #1: Nate's such a boomer
Girl #2: I know right, such a boomer
by NateIsABoomer September 7, 2019
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An above-average, God-Tier being with ultimate knowledge and supreme intellect, who has blinding speed, is extremely agile, and has the utmost precision. Cannot be outsmarted or beaten in a race. A high class ninja, who is exceptionally skilled in the art of frisbee and shotokan karate. Seeks the true meaning of life, while dominating every possible curve thrown his way in an epic combination of insane luck and skill.
Question:"How are you soooo EPICC???"
Nate: eh, it's just in-Nate I guess.

Runner 1: "WOW did you see that??"
Runner 2: "No."
Runner 1: "Me neither."
Runner 2: "Judging by the nature of the aftermath of that sonic-boom, I'd wager it was Nate."

Did he really just ace a par 5 in disc golf?!?! WTF NATE!!!

I didn't think it was possible to be TOO GOOD AT EVERYTHING ....then I met Nate.

Sorry Nate!! I didn't mean too!!
Nate: -_-
Don't kill me!!!
Nate: (grins)
Nate: (laughs, and throws a frisbee after him, killing him instantly)

Girl: Heyy Nateee!
Nate: Oh hi.
Girl: I REALLY need your help with some astrophysics.
Nate: No prob. ;)

Nate can FLY?!?!
by T3hM4st3r0r April 1, 2011
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He may seem all tough, but when it comes to his girl- he's a softie. Nate's are athletic & smart. They can be stubborn & like to argue. Nate's are amazing lovers, they like to make sure they're pleasing their partner. Nate's can be known as flirts. It's been recorded that Nate's often get along well with Trevor's, Tim's, Joe's, Taylor's, Elise's, Macy's & Carol's.

If you meet a Nate; keep him. He's a great friend & trustworthy.
Nate is cute, end of story.
by BonquishaSherice August 19, 2011
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Nates are caring and the most lovable guy you could ever meet! Never let them go they will be important to you! They are caring, lovable, nice, hot, cute and funny! You will probaby fall for one if you ever meet a Nate! If you ever meet one you are very lucky! Treasure them in your heart because one day they will be important! They also like to help people with personal problems and they are dependable!!
by cheerleader3 November 29, 2012
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Someone that is stylish and usually wears something formal.He is hard to get mad at.Also very curious/nosey.He is a strong guy and is sexually attractive.
by Mari...hi May 20, 2016
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