One of Avxry's quotes. Means to kill someone in Fortnite really good
Theifs: Nice kill Axvry it was really good
Axvry: Yeah it was a good kill I am Saucing Nans
by bomber_boy9000 April 13, 2018
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A old thicc 🅱️ Who has a nice pussay and makes good cookies
Ur nan is thicc
by Urnanismycumdumpster October 16, 2019
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The opposite of the game, once you begin you play it until the end of time. Whenever you are thinking about Nan, you are winning the game. Once you forget about Nan, you lose. Upon remembering Nan you begin to win again, however you realize you were losing for that period of time. Unlike the game, people can work together to win and use objects such as trading cards or campaign ads to assist them. By reading this you are winning at this moment.
Want to win the nan game - what is a 3 letter word for awesome?
by spaghettisauceee November 7, 2010
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Nan-hee is an amazing woman. She is usually tall, beautiful, and slender. She likes red wine, dancing, and just chillin' by the fireside. Nan-hee has strong educated views on politics, religion, and other hot topics.
nan-hee aguilar
by jobobbilly February 4, 2010
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An offensive word used by a -12 year old
Person"bring you suck"
Person2"go suck your nan"
by BLLBAG man March 4, 2019
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Having you loose your virginity through having sex with a minor boy, who is younger than you and that you don’t want anyone to know that your doing it. Afterwords you play it off pretending to all your friends that it never happened and your still a virgin.
Beck is going to her nans house tommorrow. She’s gonna have a good time their with John.
by Tomdickandharrymate October 8, 2017
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A member of the LGBTQ+ community whose grandchild is the person your talking to
Me: "Ur Nan gay"
Them: "Fuck you fagat"
by ConorGavin69420 October 16, 2019
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