Verb; to use a substance intraveiniously.
I'm so going to motley crew this vodka right now.
by rawknob June 10, 2009
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The only Hair band to successfully hit mainstream.

Listened to by wannabe Metal heads and ditzy preps who think they're "hardcore".
Motley Crue Sucks. Period.
by Motley Crue = Monkey Crew February 25, 2006
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Whether people wanna admit it or not, Motley Crue are the founders of death metal. They wore makeup but not enough to make it their gimmick or to make them bona fide hair metal, much like some death metal artists out there (Avenged Sevenfold). And their music consists of hardcore lyrics laced with adult themes of violence, sex, and language, much like death metal is. Hell, most death metal bands today list Motley Crue as one of their key influences.
Marilyn Manson, Avenged Sevenfold, Slipknot, and others list Motley Crue as an influence to their music
by Sue the Samurai September 7, 2006
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A decent metal band made up of a bunch of wannabe punks. Vince Neil (frontman, Axl Rose's bitch, hits like a powderpuff), Tommy Lee (drummer, 24 inch dick, Kid Rock's bitch), Nikki Sixx (bassist, pissed in a cop car once), and Mick Mars (guitarist, the lone ranger and only talent in the group). Despite the fact that they suck as human beings, they collectively get at least four-hundred and twelve times as much hot ass as anyone that could possibly be reading this right now, and for that, they deserve two thumbs up.
Hey, did you hear Tommy Lee is fucking Pam Anderson?

Yeah, not if Kid Rock doesn't kick his ass first...

Hey did you know Vince Neil punches like a bitch?

Yeah, Axl would kick his ass in a new york minute...

Motley Crue sucks
by Axlwouldkickvinceneilsass November 23, 2009
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A judo throw similar to the Horsey Hug done much the same way, e.g. wrapping the hands around the person's neck so you're hugging them. Then throwing the legs into the hug so the whole body is involved. This version of the throw was introduced by Mabel Motley, a character in a comic strip called "Motley's Crew" which no longer exists, 1976-2000. She has been known to use it on her husband, Mike.
Mabel: Whoah! I haven't done my judo in so long. I bet its time for a Motley Mash. (yelling for Mike) Mike, come here!

Mike: Hey! You're doing the Motley Mash, I see. Come on and give me a squeeze. (he hugs her with his legs)

Mabel: Wait, you didn't get your hands in there. Its not a Motley Mash yet. (she throws him) There!

Jim: Hey, I know judo. Can I play, too? (he picks Mabel up and throws her)

Mabel: Whoah, what a crush! You just gave me a Motley Mash. What belt are you at?

Jim: (laughing) 3rd kyu brown. I've been studying this for years. I do it on the Misses all the time. Man, me and wife Iris, we toss each other around like a rag doll. (yelling) Rear naked choke! (he throws Mike on the ground and does a rear naked choke)

Mabel: (screaming) This is one big judo bash, and it all started from the Motley Mash!
by Dusty's Baby Powder August 23, 2011
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A week in which a guy has sex with three or more girls.
Alan has been hitting the bars a lot, trying to have a Motley Crue week.
by Tommy Mack February 27, 2012
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The act of placing your penis in a burrito in order to cover up the smell of the vaginas you previously banged in Hope's your current sex partner wont smell the aforementioned pussy stank
Dude, I totally had to motley bel grande my cock so sheila wouldn't know I was out fuckin around
by John Bandana esq.. December 25, 2022
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