often referred to Larry or the mole on Andrews right cheek. The mole can control his temper and make him suicidal. Mole is a word you must say iin awkward s
by abel peralta June 7, 2011
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a bald headed man with odd shaped lips and a lump on his neck with a face similar to that of a mole.
wow. check that man. he looks like a mole with a condom on his head, testicle on his neck, fish lips, my what a mole.
by georgiaqwertyuiop September 1, 2006
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6.022 x 10 ^23. A unit in science used to calculate how many atoms are in a molecule, good because it is big enough to use, because atoms are so small
6.022x10 ^23 is the amount of moles in a neutral carbon.
by Ant B January 25, 2005
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A number that is not explained well by asian chemistry teachers.
One of the many jerks in chem class:"Mr. Koong, what the fuck is a mole."

Mr. such and such: “Dat is not appropriate!”
by dudeyourmom September 22, 2005
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the name gviven to any person of high rank in the world of cool people
Joel from south australia is a cool person therefor his mates call him mole
by moleage April 26, 2006
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a.A fugly girl
b. a girl who whores herself to famous people or any one as a matter of fact. Ther can be bikey moles also.
Slinkee minx? there fuking moles!

'Jerry grabbed his bikey mole and rode off into the sunset on his harley.'
by SealyMay January 21, 2005
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A mix of cannabis resin and Benson and Hedges stuck in a cone and ripped through a bong, a nice bit of dirty blim
"rip that mole Ron you fucking pussy!look hermiones having a whitey!!!!" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
by Proffessor dumbledore January 26, 2004
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