Moist: this term is used when someone says/does something so idiotic or stupid. Also used to describe an "uncool" person, another way to say this is "wet" which means the exact same thing.
Boy: "4+7= 13? Right?"
Friend: "13?! HAHAHAHA NO! You're so moist!"

*uncool person walks by*
Girl: "Oh my god, look at her ugly clothes, so wet."
by chirpyy March 26, 2015
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What Luke B becomes when he sees Sadie Sink
Luke sees Sadie sink:OMG ITS HER OMG I WANT TO TOUCH HER (becomes moist)
Everyone else:ewwwww
by Billywigglestick October 28, 2019
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Not only that of referring to a region that happens to contain moisture, but also referring to a lifestyle. A lifestyle, that consists of not only being Moist but also of celebrating The Moist. The moist is commonly found in Santa Cruz, Ca where The moist is celebrated every weekend.

May also be accompanied by Phage or that of being Guilty.
Me: Hey Sarah, lets bump Moist tonight.

Sarah: Im guilty...
by MoistPhage September 13, 2011
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Moist can be used in place of "most" in certain situations. When used, it is intended to reference the moisture that accumulates in the vagina. However, it can also be used whenever the hell you feel like using it because fuck logic!
You have the moist incredible vagina Brittany!

Aquaman was the Moist exciting movie I've seen in a long, long time.
I almoist forgot the moist important ingredient in the super moist cake mix, eggs!
by Christian Writer January 16, 2019
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Yet another slang word (most likely created by millenialls) to emphasize coolness, awesomeness, legitimacy, etc.
How was the movie, dude?

Oh, it was moist af, bro! You gotta see it!

by Boris Longbottom February 15, 2017
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