A merp is a specific type of girl--can be from ugly to cute, but cannot be hot. A merp is always a small girl, cannot ever refer to a large girl/woman as a merp. A merp will usually have some kind of weird or immature qualities.

note: can never refer to someone you would perceive as a WOMAN as a merp, always going to be a GIRL.
Whats your type of girl, actually I know, you love merps.

Theres only merps at this party, lets leave.

Youll probably get with a merp tonight.
by KD- yerp, DanTheMan December 17, 2010
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a chameleon after drinking too much water or when frustrated says "merp."
by smlemur February 1, 2011
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Merping is the art of eating a medium rare steak off of an accomplices head, anything other than medium rare is a challenge of chivalric combat to the death
Ugh I’d so merp on that hot girl over there

by (⊙_⊙) September 13, 2018
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an action to merp or merping around
merping should be experienced for ones self.
Merp has no limits

you decide how you want to merp it up
Ben: Hey Sienna how was your weekend?

Sienna: Ah pretty chill you?

Ben: Mhmm just did some casual merping

Sienna: Sounds rowdy, you really know how to merp it up
by Merpislife November 6, 2010
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A combination of "derp" and "mep" used to describe an awkward silence created by someone doing or saying something stupid.
Teacher: "Are you sleeping?"
Student 1: "No, there's a bug in my eye and I'm trying to suffocate him."
Student 2: "Merp?"
by Derpin Bird May 12, 2011
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excitement, nervousness, shock.
"Hi Krista." merp!
by merp10 December 3, 2009
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It is a common nickname given to a beloved friend which literally means, In "Dutch" - a Sperm Rapist.
"Hey Merps.. MY little merpy werpy woo, you gone done poo poos in your pants again? Thats no good. You know I will always love you."


"Hey I am going to call you merps from now on because of that filthy act you did the other night!"
by Jacob6969Amsterdam April 27, 2007
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