lol with a Spanish accent, laugh aaaout loud, or even laugh aaaout laaoud.
guy 1: wassup?
guy 2: the ceiling
guy 1: lal
by Straemer August 28, 2007
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A clue less moron who thinks he is an expert.
Dont listen to his advice! He is a Lal topi!
by Thenoshitsherlockholmes February 22, 2021
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Irresistibly cute gesture; inviting love and affection;
don't try to pull off a lallu lal
by Rexy January 30, 2004
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Big gay, often times have no friends. Can also be used to describe someone who simps for a girl for years on -end and nothing to show for it. Can also describe someone with a micropenis and radiates small penis energy.
Joshua Lal: Lookin' Sexy
Female: Shut the fuck up
by RealNamesMeanings March 27, 2021
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the most amazing man you will ever meet, a legend, a champion, and all out g!
arthur: “you look happy today, what’s up?”
samuel: “i met someone last night- the most amazing person i’ve ever met!”
arthur: “oh shit- what’s her name?”
samuel: “not a girl.. RICKY FUCKING LAL
arthur: “who is ricky lal?”
samuel: “only the best person u will ever meet”
by rickylalfan2009 January 4, 2021
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Sigma male doesn’t radiate small pp energy. Doesn’t simp.
Damn I wish I was as cool as Joshua Lal
by s111nd December 19, 2021
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Very muscular and will do anything for the bread($). Consider himself tough and has a ego the size of the universe. He is known to be good at every sport and will dominate all species. Very romantic and has the greatest sense of humor among his friends. Overall, very passive and smart and outgoing.
I always wanted to be a Lal Mang.
by Lal Mang November 22, 2021
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