Verb: To eat a whole cheescake, cheeseburger or wheel of cheese in 10 or less minutes. Or To waist a whole day sleeping, only waking up to have a warm delight. This action is often done by a jub.
Ollie : Ew did you see that girl eat that whole wheel of cheese in less then 10 minutes??!!!
Ford : she totally Jubbed!
by jublover January 24, 2010
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Phrase for describing a socially inept individual who has quirky speech patterns and obsessive thought processes, while remaining bland and uninteresting.
He had what appeared to be lobotomy scars, a burrito-stained t-shirt that had a pickup line in Klingon. All I heard when he spoke was "Well, _basically_ *I* think that Data in Star Trek was jub-jub jub-jub..."
by Anonicker September 24, 2009
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To split the cost, value or amount of a certain resource e.g a bag of sweets, the cost of weed etc
Can be referred to as 'going jubs' or 'jubsing it' or even 'jubsing in'
now that you two are jubsing it, lemme jubs in on it
by bushboibeats October 14, 2010
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a cool kid from australia with a swank name

name originally derived from jubei from the anime ninja scroll

the name is now about reaching about a decade

nowadays he is known by his friends as jubs.

can be pronounced in various ways.
"joobs", "chubs" or "jubs"

see below for exmaples of other variations of the name
jubba, joobs, jubi, jubsy, jubs
by jubs December 22, 2005
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pronounced joobs romany traveller word meaning lice etc
keep your juk (dog)away its fulla jubs
by pukka romany February 15, 2010
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a child who has been shaving for 10 years and he is only 9 so therefore he was shaving in his mothers whom
hey he is hairy. he is a jub jubs
by ------ November 11, 2003
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