The most amazing girl there can be. If a Josie likes you, snatch her up. Josie is a sweet, caring, loyal, and all-around great person. Never take Josie for granted, as for her love may be forbidden. Josie is the type of girl who will like you for who you are, and will never stop. Never take a Josie for granted.
Hey, look! Josie, I love her!
Josie, I miss you!
by ToxicL May 13, 2021
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The head sexy girl (as in Josie and the Pussycats). The alpha female in any group of hotties. The decision-maker for any group of popular, sexy girls. Usually not very nice, but always a dime. Boss bitch.
No one gets invited until it's cleared with Amanda first. She's the Josie around here.
by brainiac 11 January 2, 2007
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Josie is the sweetest person you will ever meet. She is a bit shy when you first meet her, but soon you guys will become best friends. She has great grades and is really smart, she wants to live up to her family's reputation. She will do anything for her friends, and though she rarely gets mad she will always stand up for her them. Josie is very caring and forgives easily. She is the {best}. Lots of guys like her, but she only likes a select few.
Have you met {josie}?
Yeah, omg isn't she the best?
by Haveeeeeeeeeeeen February 25, 2019
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A name commonly short for Josephine, Josette, Guiseppa, etc.
Josie is an avid fan of Aerosmith.
by Jossi February 5, 2006
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A term for a person (usually used for females only) who is one or all of the following:

A) Unreasonably violent.
B) Nice one minute, then suddenly lashes out in anger (though usually in a comic fashion).
C) Secretly mafia.
Example for A or B)
Person 1: (Is hit by person 2) Ow! You're such a josie, you know!
Person 2: (hits them again)

Example for C) Omg, have you heard? She's been a josie all along!
by Bobbick January 30, 2008
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Josie is your typical awkward white girl. She acts ghetto when it comes out as super white, and she always makes people laugh. She is very tentative, and a hopeless romantic. Josies are often very beautiful, but no guy really wants to get to know her because she's not popular.
Gosh, you're acting like a Josie.
by I P. Dmipantz September 9, 2013
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Josie is an amazing person that you can’t find very often she has the most amazing personality that you will fall in love with more everyday. She is gorgeous even though you might not be able to win arguments with her about her beauty she is the best. You won’t be able to stop once you start loving her she is the best girlfriend and friend in the world. Usually really pretty or fine.
Oh Josie is looking hella fine today. Dammmmnnn.
by Josie is daaaa bessttt April 30, 2019
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