
An Ancient Greek king that ruled like a badass . He was like a god . Everyone said that his was blessed by the gods .He was brutal against his enemies

and kind towards his friends . Today there is a place in Greek that is called Ionia .

He acted like Ionas against this men
by PeterPumpkin69 November 20, 2021
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she is someone who likes to have high standerds compaired to herself and thinks she is amazing a iona has very small lips and she has a rather large binweevil head.she had shortish light blonde hair with blue eyes she can represent many animails s.a .a cow and ionas crushes bestfriend will never let him date her because that boy has standards
iona is never gonna get that boy
iona is a bit of a cow
by true-facts94 December 20, 2018
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A Iona is something which would want to be dissolved into separated Ions. At the same time it's not emanzipated enough to live without strong Van der Waals force.
F: I think this guy is a Iona, isn't he? R: Yeah, most certainly as we can't see the separated Ions properly.
by TokenWizard October 14, 2019
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Iona is one of the funniest people you will ever meet. iona is everyones best friend. iona is always there for you. iona is always happy for you. iona is the kind of person who would give you the last sweet. shes the kind of person you want to be friends with. shes fun to talk to and theres never a dull moment. iona makes you laugh until your ribs hurt. iona makes you smile. iona is the kind of person that sends you a halloween card just for fun. iona is fun, shes the kind of person who would go swimming with you at sunset. iona is the kind of person that puts other people before herself. iona is the kind of person that sticks up for her friends. iona is an amazing friend
person “wow she was so funny and friendly”
other person “yeah, shes definitely an iona!”
by girlboss123 February 1, 2022
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all ionas look like that virgin short guy from weezer
wait there are 2 virgin short guys??
that chick iona kinda looks like buddy holly
someone says behind their back.
by reesesfunsizedgod September 20, 2021
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iona wright is a beautiful, outdoorsy kinda girl. She loves nothing more than eating itailian food all day and being creative. But watch out, give her the chance and she will seduce you to death. A total flirt and proud as can be, your classic redneck girl. She is a loyal person and loves her friends, but usually has one in particular of which she loves the most and will try to protect he/she no matter what it takes. She is supportive, funny and a great person to know!
guy1 : "wow man, who's that girl over there? She's amazing"
guy 2 : "Oh that's iona wright, a total badass redneck. Don't want to get on her bad side....her good side is dangerous too if ya know what i mean"

-they laughed as they checked her out-
by california_1995 November 10, 2013
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A school where the hottest boys in westchester go. Fordham prep is so ghetto. Iona is MUCH better at every single sport. Stepinac is even more ghetto
Hot girl: OMG do you see that hot Iona Prep boy in pizza shop! Her friend: Yes, wow Iona boys are way hotter than the Fordham boys.
by hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe17 December 19, 2021
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