Its a weapon, created before WWII but not really named until then. Its a High Explosive Squash Head, but can also be used as a name for a cock
Look out that boys got his HESH out!!!!
by Spurtreynolds June 22, 2004
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A style of dirty underground Hip Hop that originated in Southern Oregon. A very eclectic form of the genre that implements samples that range from anywhere between Death Metal to Cher and beyond.

Lyrical themes tend to touch on current social and political issues, family and friends, skateboarding, and Oregonian Hesh Life.
dude 1 : Man, you see that dude sitting over there with the mesh hat and flannel drinking Tecate spitting Wu-Tang lyrics at his skateboard?!

dude 2 : Yeah, he's lurked out pretty hard, ain't he?

dude 1 : That's some serious Hesh Hop.
by Solace Theory July 19, 2009
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a style of hip hop with absolutely no boundaries. Hesh hoppers dont give a fuck where the sample for a track, or beat come from, they will tear it up regardless.

A form of Hip Hop that takes on many different facets of style, thereby not being pigeonholed to any one certain sound.
bro #1 - How the hell do you go from Cher samples to Cannibal Corpse samples and make it sound good???!!!

bro #2 - It's all in the Hesh Hop, dude... Seriously.
by Hesh Daddy August 27, 2009
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A skateboard group, that is made up of some of the gnarliest heshers around, they entered in The Berrics Younited Nations contest but lost to D.R.E.A.M but still are the craziest skaters out there! HESH 4LIFE

(i.e. some of the gnarliest skaters around)
Hesh Muffins are heshers for life
by SK84LIFEMOFO January 25, 2012
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A shotgun in Mass Effect: Andromeda that dnc will never get.
Everyone Else: "Man, I sure do love this Hesh X." Dnc: "Can I get a tur-" Everyone Else: "NO."
by Logan Nyros December 18, 2017
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Spencer Gryschuk.
That's one Hesh Bitch at the north park.
by fuckinghesh April 24, 2010
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