A phase made by the game Perfect Dark Zero that the announcer says in deathmatch after the player does 30 kills in a row. It comes after killtacular and various others.
-I threw a tennis ball at him and got a headshot!
-That's a kill harmonic orchestra with 29 more freshmen!
by Rodrigo M. November 24, 2008
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Lmao if anyone finds this (Emma Jeanette Clare Dyer Harmon)
by Teeheeree October 3, 2018
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An American chain of stores on the east coast that mainly sold healthcare and beauty supplies at a discounted price
On January 27, 2023, Bed Bath & Beyond announced that it would be closing all Harmon Face Values stores. All stores were closed by the beginning of March.
by Wendysfg April 27, 2023
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an American chain of stores on the east coast that mainly sold healthcare and beauty supplies at a discounted price.
On September 29, 2017, Bed Bath & Beyond experimented with a new store format called "Face Values & Beyond", a mix of a Bed Bath & Beyond store and a Harmon Face Values store. However, it closed in 2022
by SPrice1980 April 27, 2023
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Coming together to get along; getting along to come together. Interacting in extremely real and meaningful ways, which draws those around you to open up about themselves and want to hang with you.
She's self-actualized, so harmonic convergence is inevitable.
by Mad Turkey December 26, 2020
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The general tendency of people to consciously or subconsciously project their human relationships onto the conversations between instruments in a piece of music.
This concept and terminology have been developed by Trevor Baker, i.e; myself.

As the guitar solo soared in flight, Newman's mind developed a vision of a struggling warrior, dying but fighting daily to be heard, crying ever upward in the octave ranges, juxtaposed against both harmony and dissonance, to its ultimate conclusion: the breakthrough he could never reach.

When Newman disclosed his vision with his friends and colleagues, they came to the general consensus that they projected their own experiences onto music. The fact that conversations could exist between intervals and that the timbre of individual instruments characterized the dispositions of people, confirmed the paychological phenomenon known as Harmonic-Timbral Projection.
by av3nger December 6, 2021
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Agreement between people or unification of people or things.
"A family who showed no signs of discord"

An abundance of 'Harmon' between notes sounding together.
"The music increased in harmony"

An Antonym to Harmon would be discord.
The nations of the world celebrated their harmon.
by PainCorde February 5, 2022
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