1. a word used by anorexics and the anorexic media to make everyone feel insecure if they don't have a six pack.

2. The new favorite insult for younger people who are duped by the media and the abs craze.

My opinion: I understand that there are fat people and some that are way way fat but the media portrays them a lot worse than they are. And the media is being opportunistic by capitalizing on a large portion of the countrie's insecurities and profiting of it. They are encouraging people to judge a person by their appearance rather than their character and is a deadly trait to society imo.
Before and after commercials that show the sad fat person and then loses weight and now everyone wants them.
by kooko klock December 30, 2011
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Slightly less formal word for 'obese'.
Look at the size of that fat bastard!
by Arran January 3, 2005
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"Fat" is the past tense of 'fit'
Example, we all 'fat' in the car, rather than, we all 'fitted' in the car.
by Zaylee March 15, 2005
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Type of food you eat when you are drunk or etc.Can be found In a local convience store.Also a blonde haired guy thats works at a local hotel
Yo man lets go to the store and grab some fats.
by hackthegibson24 August 29, 2007
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You guys are my FATS said Chad
Did you call me fat said Fair
Yeah Friends always through shit, you guys are my best friends said Chad
by superchad88 November 11, 2011
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a word used in reply to combat the mass amounts of "kys" (meaning kill yourself) comments on YouTube made popular by the reaction YouTuber "Pyrocynical". He made a video telling everyone to reply to "kys" comments with "fat" to ensure that this kind of YouTube cancer would be put to a stop.

by Twitch.tv/FiftyHP April 4, 2016
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