FOOD!!! Fud= Food after i went to camp and had 2 sing about Elmer Fudd.
by Vamprate April 16, 2008
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Acronym for "Fat Upper Dick Section"; the roll of fat one develops above the dick, below the gut. Often wedged into tight pants due to the fact that the owner of a FUDS doesn't realize how rapidly fat they're becoming. Commonly seen in men who disregard their health entirely. See also fupaand gunt.
The boss is so fat, I don't know how he gets his FUDS to fit into those jeans. His zipper looks like it's about to give way!

Brian actually had to lift up his FUDS in order to fuck his unsatisfied wife.

The stripper had no issue with sitting on his FUDS as long as he had twenties and didn't lick her ass.
by Andgorifo December 13, 2007
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pron- "fu-DD" like "Mud"

Slang term for vagina. Very common in Berkshire, UK. Fud is not used in an offensive way. It is very much intended as an alternative to fanny, front bottom or lady bits.

She slipped her hands down between her breasts, across her stomach and then deep between her legs against her soft fud.
by Reg Allen June 22, 2007
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Johnny: We're going drinking, you comin?
Shaun: No, I can't be seen in public.
Johnny: Well why not?
Shaun: Cus I feel so fuckin fud.
by ShawnMichaels February 17, 2014
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The act of shooting big game such as deer. Relating to the cartoon caracter Elmer Fudd.
You actually fudded a deer with it!?
by Solid H2O man November 25, 2016
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Food in scotland......
"I like to eat fud"
"My favourite fud is haggis"
"No, I didnt say foot, I said fud"
by Grand Nasal April 12, 2008
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