a man whos obsessed with his clothes and appearence
daves a big fop isnt he?
by ze ducky June 27, 2006
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When a girl takes a boy (usually boyfriend) shopping for clothes and she takes the boy around for ages asking for opinion when all the boy wants to do is leave.
Person 1: How did it go yesterday with sophie?

Person 2: pretty shit.. she took me fopping for ages..
by spooky098765432123456743234 August 25, 2010
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Homosexual, gay

synonyms: metrosexual, queer, flamer, lover of men, lover of self, dandy, queener

17th century origin
Look at that fop!
Quit foppin' around!
That guy really enjoys being a fop!
by gangster345 November 1, 2010
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A term used by people from Michigan that means “fucking Ohio people!”
Look at those stupid FOPs in their buckeye clothes.
by Allegaría April 5, 2018
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guy 1: dude i was watching this new anime and this guy was masturbating!

guy 2:he was fopping!?!?!
by kentaru October 26, 2009
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I fopped last night thinking about your mom...
I was fopping to that video me and your girlfriend made that one time...
I saw a pic of your wife and couldn't help but fop to it...
by BigDaddyTree April 21, 2011
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Sir Percy Blakeney, the KING of fops.
Percy masquerades as a fop to fool people.
by drunken_cynic February 19, 2005
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