A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as the ARE, not as they ought to be. Hence the custom among Scythians of plucking out a cynic's eyes to improve his vision.
I am a cynic. Ow! Ow! Those are my eyes1
by Zak May 3, 2003
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A sad fuck of a person who has given in to the human tendency towards weakness. They have let bad experiences lead them to believe that bad is all there is in the world; thus blidning them to the good. Cynics like to justify their misery by stating that cynicism is a more realistic belief. But believing that the world is entirely, or mostly, bad is no more realistic than assuming the opposite.
Cynic: Love never lasts, it's all fake!

Realist: Don't those old people who have been married for 50+ years sort of contradict that idea?
by Anachi Williams September 10, 2008
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Me: "One time when you cross-trained Erin, she had gone outside and I asked you where she went. You said, 'Oh, she went out to smoke'. So, you have complained about people smoking before".

Joe: "I wasn't complaining. I was being cynical".
by Karen Stickney May 9, 2007
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Have you heard of "Cynical?"
Yeah his/her content is not very good
by UrbanDicFacts June 2, 2019
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The #1 Minecraft Client. Made by Hippo(a.k.a IYoshiMC). It legit wacks ZeroGay, Sigma, and every anticheat on the planet.
Hey! Did you hear Cynical b69 is coming out?
by Asyc April 27, 2019
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grumble grumble grumble waahh wahhh everything's got all these shit problems QQ grumble grumble waaahhhh QQ
Dude, you're too cynical.

Fuck the police.
by Magic Todd November 22, 2007
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a faultfinding captious critic
by Anonymous September 10, 2003
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