the school is bottom barrel , teachers put there hands on kids, bare ppl dem vape in the toilet and gives slopps,all the teachers are bots fam,the girls are so pretty and the boys are clapped ,all the boys think they are so hard ,and the subs walk out and don't give a flying fuck.and lets not forget how racist the teachers are
Alperton community school is the worse school ever
by urmumsbrothersleftnipplehair November 10, 2022
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Filled with goes that are fake as hell and don't know how to mind their own business and they always try to be ghetto when they actually are preppy bitches and the boys are always fuckboys
by datbitch123 April 10, 2021
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The school where they don’t talk to each other because they are too rich.
They pay to go to the school
Siv: “ Does she go to a community school?“
Albert: “ yes she’s rich and lazy”
by Kakkaknoweverything September 21, 2019
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A school where folks are dirty-minded and country as fuck!!! If you don't hunt or fish or play football/baseball DoN'T COME HERE!!
Sharlston Community school, although officially a school for 4 to 11 year olds, the average pupil age is 42. Sadly due to the deprivation in the area, children are held back each year. Those that fair worst are 17th generation Sharlston related to their brothers, mums, sisters, cousins, dad. It's normal to date the next door neighbour who's probably already their first cousin. They will aspire to one day have their own council house and go to pay weekly sofas for a 3 piece suite. Nutrition is poor so children are often clinically obese, the average child is at least 6 stone over the recommend bmi. The school serves meat pie, turkey dinasours and custard every day, the 5 dehydrated peas in the offal pie count as the 5 a day , the head cook Shazza says she's extremely proud of her healthy wholesome menu. The pta often fund raise, selling raffle tickets, to fund the new roof. Sadly the money is paid maintain the teachers wine fund and to pay off ofsted with no benefit to the school. Lessons are not planned, with Chinese nail beauticians paid peanuts to watch the children while the teachers swan off on school trips to Italy without the children.
by bootcutter67 April 20, 2023
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What community is there, people who go there are essentially forced to wear black socks and a blazer even in the hotter months, the year 9s come up to the year 11s asking them for vapes or money for vapes (which 99% of the time, the year 11s never get that money back), the most rated year is year 11, year 10s are alright to a certain extent, its the year 8s and 7s you gotta watch out for (they're just extremely weird), the headteacher forces us to change back into our school uniforms after PE, which is stupid and he is a lot more stricter than ever, basically Prison Academy now.
Tyrone: Mate, how the fuck are you surviving Lister Community School?
Jason: Don't you mean Prison Academy, I have year 9s coming up to me asking me to buy them a vape, our headteacher is essentially cruel and the year 7s and 8s are just mega weird as a whole.
Tyrone: Glad I don't go there
Jason: That's not just it though, our headteacher forces us to wear black socks and our blazers in the summer when it's blazing hot, and he forces us to change in our school uniforms after PE, I'm wasting another 10 minutes of my life changing, other schools hardly do this. Community School my ass, sounds more like Prison Academy.
by yournansasocialreject102 February 26, 2022
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The kind of shithole where year 7s act up coz they think they're suddenly big, year 9s have a massive vaping addiction and there's a fight every other week.
Mason: "Yo Tyler, do u kno that school where year 7s act up coz they think they're big, year 9s have a vaping addiction and there's a fight every other week."
Tyler: "You mean that shithole Lister Community School"
by yournansasocialreject101 November 29, 2021
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