n. Popular Brit slang for vapid, meaningless chatter or polite "warm up" conversation before you get down and do the serious shit, be it a meeting, sex etc.
"Blah blah blah blah yada yada...bl-"
"Cut the Chit Chat and get your clothes off."


"How's Maria and the girls"?
"Fine, thanks. OK, let's cut the Chit Chat. You're fired."
by Satandog March 30, 2006
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Slang for what a military member gets when using 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' to get out of military service by being or pretending to be homosexual.
'Hey, did you hear? Jake got out with a Rainbow Chit.'
'I didn't know Jake was gay.'
'He's not. But the Captain doesn't know that.'
by Saeshia August 27, 2009
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1. A name to describe someone creepy online.

2. An assumed Asian name.
Omg! Jon is such a chit poo!
by SlangSavvy March 29, 2011
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switching up chit chatting to chat chitting... made by the great dane cook
I did some chat chitting with that girl. Ya..i flipped that shit.
by D-Man DROCK April 25, 2006
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An Indianism meaning a certificate of innocence given by law enforcement.
Tytler was given a clean chit by the CBI for any role in inciting the anti-Sikh riots.
by Hellsangel November 5, 2013
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'Chat-chit. Yeah that’s right: I flipped that shit. They’re just words. They don’t control us. Not any more ...long pause....
by courtpwnsu July 11, 2008
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Man boobs that haven't been washed properly, if at all, and have developed a cheese like substance under them. Same as chits except the male version.
Dude it's bad enough you got boobs, but MAN CHITS?

When's the last time you took a shower? You got some serious man chits!
by EmptyBliss March 12, 2008
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