To chill and relax at the same time.

origin: First used on the hit animated American sci-fi sitcom Futurama by Matt Groening also creator of The Simpsons
Dude1: "Hey what you guys up to?"

Dude2: "Just chillaxin bra."
by undonebutredone July 16, 2009
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The act "Chillin'" in a relaxing manner.
Dude 1 "What's up yo?"
Dude 2 "Nothin' much, just chillaxin'"
by JrotcCmdr January 14, 2009
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to realax and chill at the same time
find a cotch, a bag of the high grade and sit back to do what your doing maaaan!jus be chillaxin
by J dot D March 3, 2008
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a combonation of both chilling and relaxin. being in a state of peace and tranquility
I took the day off and was chillaxin the entire day.
by Preston Perrin March 22, 2008
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Chillin, relaxin at the same time.
I'm chillin, relaxin at the same time. You know, chillaxin.
by danielleee2510 October 23, 2008
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