its the worst feeling ever, its when all you do is think about a person who you love and had but left you. it does not matter how hard you try to forget them...they stray right back into your thoughts. fuck sleep, fuck food, fuck peace they cloud your mind 24/7 and it sucks

You easily learn how to fake smiles and pretend you are fine because people who don't know how it feels never give good advice

don't get heart broken...there is no way to fix it except time...and time goes even slower than ever when you are missing the one person you love
She left me and I am heart broken, now I am fighting to stay sane.
by Broken in pieces August 26, 2007
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When 2 people have told each other that they love each other. Only 6 months later to have one of the two say that he/she doesn't have the same feelings as before and doesn't wish to keep that relationship any more.
"But I love you.."
"I'll always love you as well... just not in the same way..."
"You mean as a friend?"
by ~+Chaos Akroma+~ July 22, 2005
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the act of which your heart has been crushed to bits and peices by a person.
Girl: I dont know how to say this but I love you
Guy: I'm sorry I dont feel the same. your my really good friend but... I dont love you like that

*Guy goes and asks your friend out and your friend says yes*
by Saba December 6, 2004
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the state i end up in every time i go out with someone. Girls may try to say that its our fault, but it doesnt seem that way to me. so if you dont want to end up in the situation too, then just stay single.
symptoms: heavy stomach, loss of appetite, depression, making odd noises or doing odd things repeatedly, insomnia, having your head filled with thoughts of that person but knowing they dont care about you
Girl:im sorry,... but i cheated on you
Guy:its not like its the first time i've been cheated on. just one more time of being heart broken.
by collisionofworlds September 21, 2008
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When you put everything that you have into a relationship and you fall in love but then the person that you are desperately in love with stumps your heart and watches it fall and shrivel in the gutter. When he kisses another girl and doesn't really think about how it makes you feel. when he leaves you for someone else who probably isn't even capable of loving him as much as you did. When he leaves you cause thing's got tough without even trying to fix it. When you smile in his face but are truely crying inside. When you cry puddles every night because you love him so much that it hurts. You barely feel able to carry on because you think about how you lost him and are asking yourself are broken... you can't move on because you love him so much that you pray every night that there is still hope knowing that there isn't.
I am so heart broken that it has become so painful to the point that i am so afraid to even love again.
by TruMeekers December 14, 2013
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to be broken hearted you must be in love first. whatever causes the relationship to end is irrelevant the part that matters is when its over you hate the opposite sex and you try to burn memories with alcohol, and no matter what you do you THINK everything reminds you of that person but it really dosent chillies is just a place to eat its not the magical place where love happens oh and you hate the word love (<3, a pic of a heart, or anyone else in love) too, and even when ur really over that person if they text or call you, you just want to kill them....
best friend: wanna go hang out?
me: no im just going to listen to dashboard confessional all day
best friend: why?
me: because im heart broken
by mowhym3 November 14, 2005
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When you were in love, and the person you dated for a year is too insecure to handle being separated because of school. You want to just enjoy college life and realize he isn't anywhere near you to upset you, but he still consumes your mind. And interrupts the fun you have with your friends because something reminds you of him. You can barely breathe, feel stuffed in a tiny box without a way out, and don't know how to ever move on.
She dreads going home later this week for Christmas break where he is because he left her heart broken and then stopped talking to her.
by I have a pink sun hat December 13, 2004
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