In relation to britney Spears, to have a beer, alcoholic beverage. Britney 'Beers.'
Hand us another britney mate.
by Pussy meister November 6, 2007
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Basic White Hoe but still the best friend anyone could have!
shes there for you when you most need her

funny, pretty, smells good, tall and my second best friend
any boy would be lucky to have her
Guy 1-WOW that girl looks like a basic white hoe, she must be a Britney
Guy 2- Yeah she is
by AnonymousMyAss12345678910 April 10, 2017
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The act of an extremely short marriage that can be measured by hours in the double-digits.

One who is in a marriage for a times period shorter than a week.
Wow, Kim Kardashian is such a Britney.

Honey, i told you not to go to Vegas, i totally knew you would pull a Britney.
by YourMOMsbitch February 19, 2012
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In prison it is a saying used to see if you are a coward or a pussy and if you are the will jump and rape you
"Aye you know Britney" inmate 1
"Nahhh bruh she ain't no where near me" inmate2
"Ohhh ight bruh just checking"
by just knowing November 10, 2014
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A pop culture term used to describe a woman's vagina that is completely shaved/waxed and shown off to the public.
Lauren Conrad: "I just saw LO's Britney"
by Brooke Wells October 11, 2007
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The most amazing girl in the whole world! she's a crazy bitch who will always make you laugh... theyre the best friends to have. britney will always be there for you, through thick and thin!
Girl who loves Trey Hunter

Awww, britney and trey!
by britneyandmaddieforever July 12, 2011
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a very sweet girl,possibly the sweetest most generous girl you will ever meet,very loving and always there to help out when you need her.makes the best friend anyone can have.very sexy girl with loads of potential.
has the best smile ive ever seen....soooo attractive.mostly brunettes and beautiful with eyes that can light up any room she walks into.have great fasion style and never boring always the life of the party.honest and loyal she will never tell your secrets and will always be there for her family and her friends.can be shy till you get to know her then look out here comes britney..
guy dammmm mate who dat sexy chick

guy 2 with an ass like dat it has to be britney
by lovelyleggyblonde February 5, 2010
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