An event held at the beginning or end of a high school year dedicated to fucking with, beating up, mugging, and shoving freshmen into lockers.

Usually done by Fatherless Juniors and sometimes seniors.
“The freshman beat-down is coming up and you’re not protected.”
by Amogus Buddy December 15, 2021
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The act of pounding ones "meat" so vigorously that it makes ones penis actually resemble a meat patty.
"Man, I was poundin my shit so hard last night, it was like a burger beat down up in this bitch.
by cock jammer May 24, 2009
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When a group of friends turn on one or more of their own and just beat them the fuck up. The resulting injuries should not require a ride to the Emergency Room, but should require a good amount of bandages, cottonballs, Neosporin along with an ice pack or two.These beatings should be fun for both sides of the beat down. Ideally both parties should be laughing hysterically during this insane display of friendship, Nitrous oxide is optional but extremely helpful.
Person 1 - "Holy shit dude!! You look like you just got beat the fuck up!!"

Person 2 - "Yea!! I just experienced a Friendly Beat Down!! Friends are great aren't they?"

Person 1 - "Motherfucker, you must be on crack!!"
by Jachzehn June 17, 2009
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When a girl receives her period and has a bowel movement as you are engaging in anal penetration.
My dick smells because she hit me with that Alabama Beat Down, cuz
by TT Bear May 3, 2017
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i bunch of grown men who think that the way to "stick it to the man." or "destroy the goverment." Is to start a gan beat up teenage boys, and women who clearly werent doing anything and video tape it and make a DVD.
Last month they killed women cuz they beat her to death.
by BNrizzle April 28, 2005
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wen i group of wanna be gettoh kids jump you to try t bw cool but there white trash
yesterday i was walking down the streeet and these kids gave me a ramtown beat down
by reitneprac December 12, 2008
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