a member of a message board who is just there. No one knows why, but they are just cool and go with the flow. There's no drama with arias
Threadmaster: Who likes pie?!
Troll: ur m0mm@ lolololol
arias: me, I like pie.
by EYEamSAM May 20, 2009
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as someone whose name is aria, i can agree with everyone saying i’m fabulous and skinny *flips hair*
i’m aria and i have a self esteem
by *laughs manically* April 7, 2021
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A handsome, very good looking male with a unique name when not used for a girl.

He can turn your underwear from being brand new, to being stained and in need of heading towards the washing machine!

At the beginning of your friendship, hey may be a bit socially awkward, though will turn into a don't-give-a-shit-about-what-I-say beast!
Though he may seem like a wimp at first, he'll do some crazy stuff when you get to know him.
James ~ Why does Aria get all the girls when he's so weak and a pussy?
Jerrald ~ I don't fucking know, it's frustrating!
Aria ~ Hey boys, let's go to the plaza tonight and rip up all the cardboard near the meet up with Santa thing, then maybe go to the fair and ride on that huge, fast ride you were talking about?
James ~ uh..
Jerrald ~ Maybe..
by UnicornsFlyingEverywhere March 24, 2013
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The ARIAs are the music awards for the Australian Record Industry.
by Sharnie December 21, 2005
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Someone who has a boy friend named Christian and does not like chocolate covered strawberries. Which makes her very weird.
Arias is so strange.
by Mimi the miniator June 18, 2018
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damn i wish i looked like aria. cause aria is one hot fucker.
by sex October 10, 2003
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Australian Record Industry Association. Just like the RIAA, but they don't sue 12yo girls.
Tbe ARIA is one of the better record companies.
by Sam October 4, 2003
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