nickname for the first day of april. the one day out of the year that practical jokes are acceptable and encouraged.
"man, that was funny when you woke your dad up at 3 in the morning on april fools day and told him the house was on fire."
by Ben April 4, 2005
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That guy from accounts who wont stop following her around
by PeterHi April 1, 2003
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A day when people can lie about anything and if you are stupid enough you'll believe it then when they shout APRIL FOOLS! you feel like a dumb ass
GIRL: Yeah. If You Come Over, You Can Smash.
GUY: Ard. I'm Omw. Takes 2 Buses And Ah 30 Minute walk To Get To Girl's House
GIRL: April Fools Day You Can't Fuck Me! Yeaaa!

by Arnold :) April 1, 2012
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The day after April 1st, April 2nd is considered an extension of April Fools because the implications that the jokes on the previous day were jokes, doesn’t hold substance, and thus are serious. Thus, April 2nd is barely any different from its preceding day, and jokes can be done since the time zone difference globally is affected on these two days; thus April 3rd is when the April Fools is officially over… beginning with Oceania time.
2023 will be the first year where such practice is witnessed and conducted, and will be a tradition for those who know the purpose onwards, globally.
Marc: Man yesterday was fun with our waterbug antics on the class!
Don: Yeah it was.. (Don shakes his end with Marc, attached to Don is a shocker, and Marc is shocked)
Marc: Dude what the heck was that for!!?
Dan: don’t you see, April fools isn’t really over, the second day is considered an extension for those who missed this chance yesterday, April fools extended
by PeanutJam91 February 23, 2023
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