who cares if it has only one mouse button, if you want another, for fuck's sake, just BUY another one, you dumb shit
by Anonymous July 3, 2003
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1) Beige Toaster
2) Drool Proof Paper
3) Glorified Calculator
4) Decoration
Look how nice that Apple Computer looks on my desk.

I fell asleep and drooled on my Apple Computer, I'm glad it's drool proof.

Let me calculate the sum of 4 and 2 with my Apple Computer.
by Anonymous July 3, 2003
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1) a iMac (mac) computer for people who are anti-microsoft
2) a computer made out of a giant apple
I just took a bite outta my apple computer, man, it tasted like apples.
by munKii poO July 2, 2003
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A now defunct piece of technology once popular in the 80's and currently only used by idiots who don't understand computers properly (Usually call Tarquin)
by Rob July 4, 2003
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Hackproof Unix, BSD, GNU driven machine for use by world domination types who security and planning function are top priority.
Sh!t the NSA just cracked my puter; now Ill never conquer the world. Wish i had bought Mac. Damn it all to Hell!

(To minion:) Go find bill gates and bring me his head on a steak.
by D3V1L 1N 4 R3D DR355 September 25, 2003
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A masterpiece in engineering. Whle people make fun of it, they really have no reason to. Maybe because they can't afford them. Or maybe they enjoy using thier primitive 32 bit computers while the G5 is a 64 bit. In other words, we mac users have a desktop 3 times more powerful that an Intel Xeon server. Stupid PC people.
Just go to www.apple.com/switch
by drachenhwoarang July 3, 2003
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Forget the geeky, we're faster / no we're faster nonsense. Anyone who has followed the parallel development over the last 15 years knows that it goes - Mac pushes in front / PC pushes in front / Mac pushes in front / PC pushes in front / Mac goes 64 -bit / PC goes 64-bit etc etc - swings & roundabouts.

The definition which is consistently accurate over time is this :

Apple computers are the ones used by people who, in their own perception, rightly or wrongly, for richer or poorer, are more reluctant to suck the dick of the Man.

Apple User : I, in my own perception, rightly or wrongly, for richer or poorer, remain reluctant to suck the dick of the Man.

PC User : Yeah sure, but right now I have a 7 TeraWhops DellCompaqIntelProtard, which kick ass l337 & compatible with all teh other 100 million (gobble) DellCompaqAMDProtard 7 FiloWhops (slurp) so u r 5u><0r (dribble) & i5 477 teh same culur /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\(glug glug glug)

The Man : Shut it bitch n keep chuggin.
by lex November 25, 2004
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