i like grindcore .....but im a gino bambino :)...alberto
by cinndii November 24, 2007
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A guy who is cocky, sarcastic but very intelligent and sweet. He is a bi sexual man who will go after anything that his heart desires. But overall he gets what he wants but what he gets will mostly be a guy or looks like one.
friend 1: have you seen alberto?

friend 2: I think he's giving a BJ to his cousin.
by Bj Martinez June 9, 2013
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alberto is a very athletic boy who is smart but dumb at times, he is fine af and knows it. alberto loves soccer but sucks ass at it.
damn alberto is fine af
by ampy bambi November 25, 2021
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Celebrity and teacher of advanced maths at an IB world school; also the deity of worship in many religions.
In the name of Alberto Halos!
All praise be to Alberto Halos!
by pinjer October 4, 2018
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A character on the disney pixar movie “luca” who has daddy issues. oh and hes gay and has a crush on luca paguro. its so obvious.
wait whos that gay kid

that is alberto scorfano!
by i_am_your_mother July 7, 2021
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Sychophantic former White House counsel, later appointed by President Bush to be Attorney General of the United States. He is notable for being perhaps the country's only AG who has so completely and consistently disregarded the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Alberto Gonzales is infamous for stonewalling Congressional oversight and investigative meetings by repeatedly dodging pointed questions by saying "that's classified." His dismissal of concerns about illegal wiretapping and illegal extraordinary rendition makes him widely regarded as the worst AG in history.
A secret 2002 Justice Department memorandum cleared by Alberto Gonzales argued that laws prohibiting torture do "not apply to the president's detention and interrogation of enemy combatants", and that the pain caused by interrogation must include "injury such as death, organ failure, or serious impairment of body functions — in order to constitute torture." - Wikipedia
by el_che April 7, 2006
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The sexual action of freezing your dong in a snowstorm and then molly whopping the shit out of your side girl.
Yo bro, how was it with Darby last night.
Sick man, I gave her the old Philly Alberto.
by Urmomispoo69 January 29, 2019
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