Made by a famous girl named Froyita . Her whole abo gang and all. It's generally found up from random words, but they really show the greatness of the word. Used by epic gamers.
-No abo, we all hate abos
by 2018 pre render December 20, 2021
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Alpha Beta and Omega the three nations lives in harmony until the alpha nation attacked
Alpha :Grrr you need to learn the hierarchy of ABO and get in ur place omega!
Omega: b-b-b-but a-a-alpha
by meavagemary May 17, 2022
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slang derogatory term for for native Auzzie cunts
Aussie 1: We keep takin' all these abos' land.
Aussie 2: Fuckin' oath mate. My business is growin' and I think I'll start shufflin' these abos outta here.
by notanabo December 4, 2021
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Something horrible, such as a horrible person. Short for abomination.
by gregin' (Greg Dahlen) October 16, 2021
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Racial slur targeted to Aboriginal Australians.

Abbreviated from "ABOriginal"
"We're doing some f*ckin' abo dance"
"F*ck me c*nt, not the stinky abos again."
by ValdFromMoscow November 6, 2023
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Slang term used to Define someone of colour, who may be found in Australia
" Abo's did not have rights till the late 1900's"

statement may be incorrect (not a reliable source)
by Shiznick_666 April 4, 2018
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when your grandad is fresh
individiual A: dude look at my grandad

individual B: yo he is abo fresh
by saaaaap dod April 19, 2018
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