A 95 year old is a big fat fucking pedophile and he will dm your girlfriend

and rape her in your van
95 YEAR OLD: Hey little girl can I come over
YOU: You fucking with 95 year olds again?
by Kurbly February 23, 2019
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Definition 1: A website or software that is stuck in the mid early 90's. It features outdated styles using HTML 2, robot voice, 256 colors, smothered in gifs, raping your with MIDI ringtones, amongst other things.
Probably is run by a person who killed themselves because it hasn't be updated in 2 decades.

Definition 2: The Creation Engine

Definition 3: A slow computer
Example 1: I hate internet explorer, What is this Windows 95 shit?
by Chevyman95 August 1, 2019
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When you’re boss is so senile and retarded she gets lost going to work and ends up on I-95 in her slippers.
Kim forgot she worked in New York and ended up walking I-95 in Delaware on her way back to Florida. Silver Alert enacted for the Slipper Queen of I-95 again.
by Flexo Rodriguez July 9, 2021
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95 is lightning mcqueens number it is also a position in sex so disney why u do me like dat
hey babe lets go broom broom (the female will know that hes talking about lightning mcqueens number 95 which is a position in sex)
by Biududdvd September 11, 2020
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Someone's who takes a basic IQ test and scores just above average.
Guy 1: Yo that chick cheated on the IQ and still only got average.

Guy 2: Yeah, she's a 95 dude.
by Nightcrawler2512 February 23, 2016
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This is when you have a significantly high amount of marijuana to the point where you can only refer to the number 95 and you say it in the most sorrowful and deathly way possible. This means you are easily influenced and are classed as mentally retarded.
How high are you? NINETY FIIIIIIVVVVVEEEE (95)
by She's15Mong69 January 6, 2021
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