A cool smiley that means somethings cool!
8-) that was so cool
by Sam August 12, 2004
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8=> when you are younger
8==> as you get older
8====> teen years
8=====> colledge
by bobblack October 16, 2012
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A symbol used in texting or email before a sentence to indicate sarcasm.
Person 1: hey, is this a cool movie or what?

Person 2: 8/ oh yeah, i love the casting.
by Mirza B June 19, 2008
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Bro: Hey man, what's your favorite show?
Man: I don't know bro... probably <<8^(|)
Bro: !!!
by YapmelkXela October 7, 2009
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A group of symbols used to describe a penis that is cumming. Usually used on IM or through texting.

Break Down:

=-shaft(each equal sign is used to represent 1 inch)
Ben: "What happened last night with you and Sara?"
Jerry: "8==>~"
"that's all I can say!"
Ben: "Shit man. I sorry."
by ManOfCars April 18, 2009
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Bowtie man. Emoticon that reminds you not to be stupid.
Mom: Can you please call me when you need to be picked up!
Don't do anything stupid! :-)8
Offspring: What is that emoticon?
Mom: That's bowtie man. He doesn't do anything stupid.
by personmcpeople May 28, 2011
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Dick: Fuck you
Nice Lady: uh thats soo mean :(
Dick: <3
Nice Lady: <8
by BenBartlett December 6, 2010
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